
Showing posts from December, 2020

Put your fucking hands together, 2020 (a love letter to Charli XCX and educators everywhere)

I've been trying to figure out why I've been so captivated by this old video of Charli XCX launching into a tirade performance at Melt Festival in 2013 . It first made the rounds on Twitter in 2018, when her now-famous words "does anyone fucking know this fucking song?" became the meme of the day, and it still resurfaces from time to time (which explains how I encountered it on my feed two years later). Witness it in all its raw glory: Mood: annoyed Charli XCX trying to pump up a boring crowd — Here tf is sticky 🚫👼 fell off era (@Wheretfissticky) June 10, 2018 The easiest way to read this video is as a confrontation rife with schadenfreude : here's a pop star with a #1 hit, bewildered by this lot and how incredibly unwilling they are to "put their fucking hands together." Unstoppable force, meet immovable audience. And sure, it's fun to imagine ourselves as a part of that big crowd. Get your ticket. Find your seat. See ...